Terms and conditions

Rules for the carriage of passengers of Arda – Tour .

Terms used in the rules

In the rules, the following terms are used:

1.1 Hour of departure – the time that is specified in the ticket, as the earliest possible time for the departure of the bus, but that may change with later hour for various reasons beyond the control of the carrier.

1.2. Deviation from the schedule of service (delay) – deviation from the schedule of the service is considered to be the time that exceeds by more than 10% from the total scheduled travel time, but not less than one hour.

1.3. discount-price reduction to be granted to certain categories of passengers, as well as in the case of different promotional shares and special situations.

1.4. luggage-items intended for personal use by passengers, which are packaged in bags and suitcases.

1.5. Ticket – a contract between the passenger and the carrier, which entitles the passenger to use bus travel only in accordance with the data registered in the ticket (passenger's name, surname, travel rout, date and time).

1.6. Delay-see ‘a deviation from the schedule of service’

1.7. Load – items intended for personal use, which are not packed in bags and suitcases, or other items that are not intended for private use (products, goods, containers, other objects)

1.8. Schedule- rule for the implementation of the transport in which are determined the movements, stops and their locations on the route of the movement of the bus (motor vehicle), and also the days and time of the journey.

1. 9. Route- previously selected route of movement of the motor vehicle between the two terminals of movement.

1.10. Carrier – a company which upon request or by a contract with a passenger or on another legal basis assumes a responsibility for the carriage.

1.11. Passenger – a person who, in accordance with the contract (ticket) or other legal basis used the motor vehicle for travel or transport of baggage, but also uses other services provided by the carrier.

1.12. Arrival time – the time of arrival of the bus in the city, which is specified as tentative based on assumptions, how much time is necessary to carry out the appropriate interval of route observing the Highway Traffic Act, taking into account the travel and other circumstances. But the time can be amended for reasons beyond the control of the carrier and unexpected reasons.

2. Effect of the rules 

2.1. These rules define the rights, duties and responsibilities of the passenger and the carrier, and are valid for transports with the buses of the Arda-tour.

For tickets purchased during promotional campaigns are possible special rules for which the passenger is informed separately and which are indicated in the ticket, purchased in campaign. If a different order is defined in the special rules, in this case it is necessary to apply those specifying rules.

2.2. In the event of introduction in the rules for the transport of passengers, of any changes for tickets purchased earlier, valid are the rules in force t the time of purchasing the ticket.

2.3. The extract from the rules, marked on the back of the ticket are only for information. If the information on the cover does not correspond to the information in the basic rules for transport of passengers, due to made any changes, the only true are those rules pointed in the site www.ardatur.bg.

2.4. In the case of special features in the legislation of different countries, specific items of the rules may not be acceptable to all countries and in such cases it shall be indicated separately.

3. Rules during trip: 

3.1. Responsibilities of the passenger – to keep the ticket until the end of the trip and to make it available to border services, land and internal control.

3.2. The passenger is obliged to appear at the place of departure of the bus indicated in the ticket and to be registered by the hostess no later than 30 minutes for the international and 15 minutes for the internal route before the time indicated on your ticket.

3.3. The carrier ensures stopping or technical stops at least on every 4,5 hours and if they do not compromise the safety of passengers and their belongings.

3.4. The time of arrival and the time of departure for all stops that are not terminals can be specified in the ticket centers of Arda-tour, or by following the instructions on the ticket.

3.5. It is mandatory for each passenger to familiarize himself with the necessary travel documents required by the border authorities. If the passenger appeared at the time departure intoxicated, inadequate or with missing documents required for crossing the border, the carrier has the right to terminate the contract for transportation unilaterally. In this case the passenger is not allowed to travel. The hostess noted on the ticket the reason for termination of the contract. A passenger with such a ticket(in case of claims) shall be turned to the ticket centers of Arda Tur for examination of particular case.

3.6. During the trip the passengers is prohibited: 

3.6.1. to carry animals, hazardous substances and articles, as well as substances and articles that may harm the baggage of other passengers.

3.6.2. to consume alcoholic drinks and drugs;

3.6.3. to smoke in the lounge and restroom in the bus;

3.6.4. with their behaviour to hinder the work of the crew and/or create inconvenience for other passengers.

3.6.5. to put their feet on the seats or blocked the aisles between the seats of the bus.

3.7. If with the passenger during the journey, there are problems with the state authorities, or the passenger violates the rules for transport, the crew of the bus has the right to take off the passenger from the bus and/or to comply with the instructions of the slate authorities. In this case, the value of the trip will not be returned.

3.7.1 to carry animals without a valid pet passport and crate hazardous substances and articles, as well as substances that may harm the baggage of other passengers.

3.8. Special rules: 

3.8.1. the passengers are required to put seat belts if the bus is equipped with such.

3.8.2. on the places with numbers 1 to 4 are allowed to sit only persons older than 14 years;

3.8.3. Children under 14 years are permitted to travel only in the case they are accompanied by an adult;

3.8.4. Children up to 7 years of age travel with 50% discount from the price of the ticket at the internal lines, but with the right of seat.

3.9. If a passenger got off the board of the bus in not announced by the crew rest or does not appear till 2 minutes after the end of the rest, then the carrier is not liable for the remaining of the passenger out of the board.

4. Baggage

4.1. The parameters of the three units of luggage must not exceed 1 piece of hand baggage weighing up to 15 kg. and two normal luggage in baggage compartment up to 35 kg each. The dimensions of hand baggage, which can be found in the cabin of the bus should not be over - 60/40/20 cm.

4.2. Valuable items, such as cash, jewelry, precious metals, keys, glasses (sunglasses and/or reading glasses), electronic devices (laptops, iPads, tablets, MP3 players, cellphones, cameras), contact lenses, prostheses, medication, important documents (diploma certificates, other certificates, credentials, passports, driving licenses, securities), etc. and fragile objects must be conveyed in hand baggage, not normal baggage, and are subject to the due diligence of passengers.

4.3. Passengers shall be required to stow and monitor the hand baggage in the passenger area in a manner which ensures that the safety and proper operation of the bus is not compromised and other passengers are not inconvenienced. Hand baggage should, in principle, be stowed on the baggage racks provided or placed under the seats in front of passengers.

4.4. Additional baggage or cargo shall be accepted for carriage only in case of free space in the luggage section of the bus and against a separate charge. More detailed information about the transport of baggage and cargo, as well as the tariffs is available at the ticket centers of Arda-tour, at the buses or on the website www.ardatur.bg.

4.5. When transporting baggage and load in the baggage section of the bus, the carrier shall be liable only for the presence of baggage or cargo units but does not guarantee its entirety or stored performance. For the storage of hand luggage are responsible the passenger.

4.6. Passengers are responsible for loading their luggage when there is changing of vehicles. Possible assistance from the coach driver will only be provided in exceptional cases and does not justify any claims to the same, unless the passenger in question is handicapped or is an individual with reduced mobility.

4.7. Claims for lost and / or damaged luggage
In case of lost or damaged luggage the passenger should make a record ( protocol ) in the presence of the driver оr person who represent the company. For official complain, the client must send a written request with a return receipt to the address of the company Arda Tur EOOD.
A passenger who has luggage with a value exceeding 500 BGN is obliged to declare the contents of the luggage in writing in the presence of the driver or employee of the respective ticket center before the departure of the bus and then to receive a special luggage sticker.

5. Purchase and return of ticket, correction of the registered in it data in.

5.1. The carrier is only responsible for the supply of the passenger to the specified on the ticket place. The ticket price does not include insurance for the passenger's baggage, the insurance is necessary to conclude separate in an insurance company.

5.2. If the ticket was purchased at a discount, during the trip it is necessary to carry a document confirming the validity of the application of the discount. If the trips are provided discounts for specific age groups (children, young people, persons older than 59 years), then the discount is applied in accordance with the age at the time of the first trip.

5.3. If the data registered in the ticket does not match the parameters of the bus or in the documents submitted by the passengers, the passenger is not entitled to carry out the trip and/or must be made surcharge, for the amendment of the data on the ticket to the real.

5.4. All the places/seats on the bus are equally comfortable. If necessary, the carrier shall be entitled without prior notice to replace the specified in the ticket place

5.5. In a surcharge of 20% of the value of the ticket it is possible a change of the name or surname of the passenger (up to the time of the first trip), while keeping the other parameters (route, destination and tariff category). This service is only available at ticket centres of Arda-tour.

5.6. Up to the time of the first trip in the ticket within one route, it may be changed the point of departure/arrival. This service is only available at ticket centres of Arda-tour. If the changed ticket costs more, the passenger is obliged to pay the difference. If the changed ticket is of lower value, the difference will not be refund.

5.7. Every customer can make a change for trip date. This first ticket change is free of charge. For every next service- change trip date, the fee equal to 20% from the amount of the ticket have to be paid on a cash desk of Arda-Tur or through a bank transfer to the account shown in the Website of Arda-Tur www.ardatur.bg. A recertified ticket is non-refundable. The change of date for trip can be done till one day (24 hours) before departure of the bus for this travel. For the time within 1-st of December till 10-th of January and 15-th of June till 15-th of September the change date of trip have to be done at least 3 days (72 hours) before departure of the bus for this travel.

5.8. Duplicates for lost tickets shall not be issued.

5.9. In the presence of a return ticket with an open return date, the passenger is obliged to endorse the date of travel at least 48 hours before the date and time of travel, for the periods from December 1st to January 10th and from June 15th to September 15th, this happens at least 72 hours prior to the actual travel.

5.10. The advance reservations by telephone are valid not later than 24 hours before the departure of the bus from the initial stop, and for the period December 1st to January 10th and June 15th until September 15th the reservations are valid no later than 48 hours before the date and time of departure of the bus from the initial stop.

6. Refusal of travel:

6.1. Refusal of ticket is needed to be made before the departure of the bus. Only for promptly refused ticket shall be paid compensation. The refund for the ticket is only possible for the full ticket. In the case of cancellation of a trip made only for the second direction of a two-way ticket, there are not possible refund for the ticket. It is only allowed to change date for another date and time if there are available seats at the bus.

6.2.You may refuse a trip:

6.2.1. in the ticket office where the ticket was purchased or on the site of Arda Tour via the contact form;

6.2.3. in extreme cases, when the passenger is unable to appear at the place of departure or at the ticket office where the ticket has been purchased, to refuse a travel is possible at ticket centers of Arda-Tour or on the site of Arda Tour via the contact form; The request is submitted at the ticket center from which it was purchased ticket or on the site of Arda Tour via the contact form, providing ticket with timely shaped refusal , cash receipt and identity document (passport or driving license) or electronically at www.ardatur.bg or at the post address of the company .;

6.3. Order for payment of compensation for unused travel:

6.3.1. When the trip is not used by the passenger, who wants to recieve back the amount, he must submit a written request for a refund and the reasons for refusal of the journey. In the request he must give bank account for the refund of the amount. For Online tickets – the amount shall be refunded to the card account, from which the passenger made the purchase of the ticket.

6.3.2. The compensation is obtained up to 30 days in the given by the passenger bank account / tickets issued by fiscal devices and blank ticket / or up to 45 days in the account, from which the purchase of the online ticket was made /for online tickets /;

6.3.3. Compensation for unused travel or cancellation of travel are not paid in cash.

7. Refusal of travel:

7.1. For refusal of the trip is considered the return of the ticket before the date and time of travel. In this case, it is possible to reimburse to the passenger the following amounts:

-Cancellations made at least 72 hours prior to date of travel- 80% of the ticket value;

-Cancellations made between 72 and 24 hours before the day of travel-50% of the value of the ticket;

-Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the date of travel -no refunds.

7.2. After the departure of the bus amounts for unused trip are non-refundable. An exception is made only if the passenger during the months after the departure of the bus presented at the ticket centres of Arda-tour supporting document for the reason for unused trip is an accident, an acute illness or death. In such cases, the unused travel is possible to move to a later date. To cancel and to obtain compensation for the ticket is impossible 

7.3. If the trip is delayed through the fault of the carrier, it shall be refunded 100% of the ticket value and compensation for the direct costs of the journey to the place of departure of the bus in the presence of supporting documents. 

8. Order for examination of claims

8.1. Claims for deviation from the schedule shall be considered and shall be subject to compensation only in cases when they have arisen through the fault of the carrier.

8.2. Complaints and claims from passengers, relating to the trip, should be addressed to the company, which was performing the trip. The address of the carrier could be provided in the ticket office, from which has been purchased the ticket or on the Web page of the carrier-www.ardatur.bg. The responsibility for the quality of transport services is taken by the company. In extreme cases, complaints may be submitted in any representation offices of Arda-tour within 1 month after the date of execution of the trip or to contact the Central Office of the Arda-tour at address: 6300 Haskovo, bul. „Saedinenie"45. The complaints are dealt with within 30 days from the date of their receipt.

8.3. In the event that the hour of departure in implementing of the route is delayed through the fault of the carrier, there are two options: the first option- the passenger decides to carry out the trip -in this case the claims for delay before the trip and at the place of arrival are not accepted. If the passenger chooses not to use the trip, it is necessary to act in accordance with point 6 from the regulation. 

8.4. Forced stops for technical reasons during the trip:

8.4.1. If the trip is interrupted due to the fault of the carrier, and it can not provide a transfer to another bus of the carrier, the passenger will receive a compensation for the rest of the distance of the trip in accordance with the value of the purchased ticket or the carrier compensate with a ticket for another bus (or train, (or, if for the given route has no courses for bus) to the location of the travel, specified in the carrier’s ticket.

8.4.2. If the trip continues and the arrival at the destination is delayed by more than 30% of the total time of travel, the carrier offset part of the cost of the ticket, equal to the difference between the actual and scheduled time to travel.

8.5. It is a passenger’s responsibility to receive the whole information before buy a ticket, including information on the implementation of the trip, for the exact route, for the accessible service on the bus, for the documents required for crossing borders, etc. Such information within the limits of its competence, orally or in writing, you can receive by the employee responsible for the customers serving in the ticket offices of Arda-Tur.

8.6. The responsibility of the passenger is to check the correctness of the data referred to in the ticket immediately after the receipt of the ticket. Later amendments are made in accordance with paragraph 4 of the present rules.

8.7. The courses and schedules in the tickets and the information materials shall be indicated in accordance with the plan and within the means of the bus to comply with this schedule, as their performance is not guaranteed. The carrier has the right to change or cancel trips or working schedules without notice.

8.8. The carrier is not liable:

8.8.1. for deviation from the schedule, for untimely submission of the vehicle, as a result of unforeseen circumstances (including but not limited in time terms, traffic jams on the road, the actions of State authorities , etc., and also the actions of the passengers themselves, affecting the implementation of the undertake engagements) or other circumstances (technical malfunctions on the bus, on the way to the place of departure), which, despite the measures taken, the carrier was not able to predict and prevent.

8.8.2. for any losses that are incurred for he passenger by reason of deviation of the schedule, except in cases of negligence and deliberate failure to comply with the responsibilities by the company-carrier;

8.8.3. for any failed connections of any kind of transport, by reason of the deviation from the schedule, with the exception of connections, which are specified in the ticket of the Arda-tour. If the passenger fails to guaranteed transfers set out in the ticket, Arda-tour provides the traveller an alternative mode of transport;

8.8.4. for any losses that are incurred for the passenger as a result of the criminal activities of any other private person (including other travellers, participants in the traffic or of the crew);

8.8.5. for problems of the passengers with State bodies in connection with the documents (passport, visas, insurance, etc) or in connection with the contents of the luggage of passengers;

8.8.6. for left or forgotten belongings on the bus.

9. Online sales of tickets

9.1. Each customer may purchase a ticket through an automated online system of Arda-tour. To purchase an electronic ticket no registration is required.

9.2. After a selection of the day, destination and location of the sketch of the bus, the ticket is reserved for 30 minutes. During those 30 minutes, our system is awaiting payment and confirmation of payment of the ticket by the system BORIKA.

9.3 Upon successful payment of the ticket, the customer receives it on the e-mail. Then it is desirable to print the online ticket for travel. If you did not receive an e-mail, you can print your ticket from the site of Arda-tour of the menu "orders".

9.4 If payment failed, after the end of the 10 minutes, during which the system has retained the places they become available again for purchase by other customer.

9.5 in case of refusal of travel are valid the provisions of point 5, as the recovery of the payment becomes only on bank account.

9.6 when buying an online ticket from the site of Arda-tour you agree with the following general terms and conditions.

10. Protection of personal data

10.1 Arda-tour stores the personal data only to may authorise its customers when purchasing an online ticket and to process the accumulation of bonus points for travel.

10.2 Arda-tour does not store and does not retain the information for your credit/debit card used to purchase the online ticket.

10.3 Arda-tour takes all the necessary technical measures to protect your personal data, specified in registration at the site of the carrier.

10.4 By the registration you agree to receive an electronic newsletter with information on new services and promotions of the company

11. BONUS PLUS Program 

11.1 Arda-tour "BONUS PLUS" program allows accumulating points when you purchase a ticket for the trip.

11.2. For each travel the costumer accumulates a number of points under the conditions of the program

11.3 When a certain number of points is accumulated by the customer, the same can use them to purchase a bonus ticket. The price of the ticket shall be determined according to the terms of the program

11.4 Arda-tour may, at any time and without notice to change the number of points charged for travel or the necessary points for the issuing of bonus ticket.

11.5 the customer has the obligation to provide the number of the customer card when purchasing a ticket from the office of the carrier.

11.6 the customer has the obligation to monitor the accumulation of its bonus points. Points can be monitored on each fiscal bond or on the site of Arda-tour in the menu "bonus points" after the registration of customer card.

11.7 Bonus points can only be used for the purchase of one-way tickets.

11.8 If you wish to use a bonus ticket, the customer must accurately and clearly report this to the cashier. In case that it was not reported in advance to the cashier and he was issued a normal ticket, then he must pay it in the proper manner.

11.9 the participation in bonus program "BONUS PLUS" of Arda-tour is free and you need to request an issuing of customer card at any of our offices or to fill out the form on our website and get the e-bonus card.

11.10 If it is found an improper use of the bonus card, Arda-tour reserves the right to cancel the card without prior notice and to reset already accumulated points.

11.11 For tickets for children or bought tickets from promotions and promotional prices bonus points do not accumulate

11.12 Bonus and promotional tickets are not subject to refund or revalidation.

12. Alteration and access to the general conditions

12.1 The present terms may be supplemented and amended at any time by the carrier. The carrier is obliged in any change or addition to update the rules, as published them in the website of www.ardatur.bg.

Promotion!* Bulgaria-Greece-Bulgaria from seat 37 to seat 48 -50% discount!
Promotion!* Haskovo-Sofia from seat 37 to seat 48 -50% discount!
*Dates/venues may be limited